Thursday, 12 March 2009

SparkPeople Reading

How will I get along with Spark People?
Eight of Cups

This is interesting. There’s both happiness and sadness here, and to me this combination seems natural and healthy. There is the couple standing in the doorway – I was going to say happy with their lot, but are they? Do they want the woman to leave, or are they sad she’s going? She obviously has a heavy heart.

Now, on SparkPeople there are many groups to join. The reason I joined was because of SparkTarot but I’ve joined a couple of other groups besides, but I’ve not had chance to go to them yet! I wonder if this card is telling me I may have to choose…?

Apart from weight loss support, what else will I get from membership?
Ten of Swords

Another interesting card! I must admit these cards made me do a double-take as to what they meant, but they do make sense. This is the ‘dust yourself down and start over again’ card, and I’m taking that to mean I will make more different friends and conversations will be stimulating and make me think much more about diet and nutrition.

What about long term?
I’m back to my dear ol’ Two of Cups! I get the feeling that I’m going to love my new life there!

One other thing I noticed – There’s one Ten card and the other two cards add up to ten. It all suggests finalities. I’d been thinking on and off about finding an online dieting forum for support, and now I need look no further.

This feels as warm as I felt when I discovered AT. The esoteric part of me had found a home. Now the dieting and fitness freak inside me has found a home as well. :)


  1. 8 of cups
    you've made your decision and are ready to go for it
    10 of swords
    the going will be tough at times, but you'll be able to pick yourself up - support from fellow sparkpeople?
    2 of cups
    looks like you're going to find what you're looking for in the long run - whether a support network or the realisation of you as you want to be. x

  2. It sounds like you have found a great place to be! I am so happy for you! I have considered joining myself. I don't have much weight to lose but I certainly could be happier.

    As an aside, the Ten of Swords in the Anna K is what made NEED this deck. I am so pleased with it! I love the way he is walking away from his place of defeat.

  3. 8Cups-walking your talk
    10Swords-leaving that old shadow self behind
    2 Cups-however you choose to interpret this! :)

    I love that 10 of Swords!
